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Lemon Ginger Honey Wellness Tea

Cold weather has finally settled in Northern Vermont and with it comes…. Sniffles, stuffy noses, coughs a sore throats. Just those cruddy symptoms that seem to linger and make everyone a little bit more cranky. Yesterday my 12 year old asked me why I hadn’t made “the stuff” yet. In our house we keep a mason jar of “the stuff” in the fridge and the boys make tea out of it all season long. It’s SO easy to make and is packed full of immunity fighting goodness.

Due to all of the antiviral and antimicrobial properties in the ingredients this will keep through the winter in the fridge. I love these jars for this.

Lemon: Is excellent source of Vitamin C which is an essential nutrient that helps to strengthen the body’s immune system. Ginger: Ginger can stop the grown to many different types of bacteria. Fresh ginger has proven itself effective against RSV and nausea. Raw Honey: Honey has been used to fight colds and viruses for centuries. There is some pretty good science to back this up, and honey has proven itself to effective against E.Coli, MSRA and salmonella Recipe: 3 medium size lemons (organic if are using the whole lemon so reducing pesticides is important). 1 large piece of ginger (I use a piece or pieces roughly the size of my hand) 1.5 cups of honey (Local is best)

Mix all ingredients together in the mason jar.

Add 1-2 heaping tablespoons of the mixture to a cup of boiling water. Stir well. I

If one of the boys is feeling really sniffly or crudy we will add a drop or two of OnGuard to the tea.


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